Coastal Collective Co.

valentine's day

Valentine's Day Outfit Ideas

Relationships, Valentine's DayAnneke McConnell

Valentine's Day is by FAR one of my favorites!  I love, love LOVE dressing up whenever I can, and Valentine's Day is the perfect occasion to go out on a date with my husband.  After 13 years of marriage, I can say with confidence, "Keep dating each other!".

So even when our kiddos were little and it was a "date night in", after they went to bed we could have a fancy dinner to ourselves, usually involving salmon!  It meant a lot to me even in those years with toddlers to get all dressed up.

We do a lot of fun things as a family, but today's blog post is all about outfit ideas for YOU, with a little casual outfit thrown in there too, because yes, movie marathons and strawberries and chocolate on the couch together counts as celebrating Valentine's Day. 




A Lighter Pink Look For Valentine's Day


Wherever you celebrate Valentine's Day this year, I hope that it is filled with love, and that you have the confidence to be yourself with those who love and care about you!




P.S. If you're new to Coastal Collective Co., I'd like to invite you to take The Make It Happen Challenge! It's a FREE 5-Day Video Series I made to help people meet their goals.

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